
Sia Sengchoon193 avatar image
Sia Sengchoon193 asked Jason Lightfoot answered

How to make all selected objects into the same group?

I got make a parameterized table

But I don't know how to turn the selected part of the middle area into a group


Because I want to fully copy connections (upstream and downstream)


I don't know how to set it here


ALP without pod 0508.fsm

FlexSim 21.1.5
connectionsmodel parameters tableobject group
1652034969522.png (205.9 KiB)
1652035054044.png (10.0 KiB)
1652035081801.png (14.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered
Do you just want the combiners in a group?

If so just lasso the middle area and then on the operator perform control click to deselect it. Then right click on one combiner and choose the option to add to a group.

Or go to the Groups section of the Tools window and add a new group then select the objects by type - and then click on the combiner type and click add.

If you want to copy connections you can use the Edit Selected objects tool - you don't need a group for that.

Finally with the objects selected you can just make a connection using one of them and the others will get the same connection - again, no group needed for this.

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