
Farah_najihah A avatar image
Farah_najihah A asked Kavika F commented

Stack in Queue with process flow

I am trying to make my boxes stack inside the queue using process flow, but there are some errors and I am not sure how to solve this, any idea? Originally, I am planning to have the transporter picks up 1 item at a time from a conveyor, then stack them up in 5 (in the queue). Tried this process flow from some answers in flexsim, but I couldnt figure out where I missed out. Any help would be kindly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

test stack.fsm

FlexSim 22.1.1
processflowqueuestacking item
test-stack.fsm (41.5 KiB)
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1 Answer

shanice.c avatar image
shanice.c answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Maybe it's because "token.Stack" is not assigned?

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