
Briankuo avatar image
Briankuo asked Natalie White commented

How to set an item stacking rule on task executer?

I would like to have my task executer stack items like how queue does. Each layer stacks nine item, and they are stacked from first layer upwards. Here's what i write in trigger function On Load:

treenode item = param(1);

treenode current = ownerobject(c);

treenode station = param(2);

treenode involved = item;

double x = xloc(item)+.59;

double y = yloc(item)+.07;

double z = zloc(item)-1.2;

setloc(involved, x, y, z);


and it stacks items in a tower. How can i revise the code? Thank you in advance!

FlexSim 22.0.16
queuetaskexecutorstacking itemstackingstack
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

You need to refer to the rank and size of the item in your stacking logic. You can do it in the Visual>Set Location option of the OnLoad trigger.

This example stacks items in 3 x 3 layers:


Example model attached.



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David Seo avatar image
David Seo answered David Seo edited


You can solve your stacking method using item property changed.

Use container item like Tote or Pallet not basic item box.

You can add new a container item in Flowitem Bin and change the new pallet visual to box visual.

You do not need to use setloc() script code.

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