
Jay Khedekar avatar image
Jay Khedekar asked Jay Khedekar commented

Can I make task executor load entire queue as trailer?

So I am loading objects onto queue with forklift which imitates loading onto trailer. After loading 5 items I would to pull tat queue by a task executor as a truck would pull a trailer. How can I go about that?

FlexSim 21.0.10
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jay Khedekar commented

Load them using an AGV.

Option1. Set the AGV type to attach loads as a trailer.

Option2. In code use the AGV's method for attaching trailers.

Option3. Use the custom code activity in a process flow:


Consider using pallet for the loaded items and attaching the pallet as a trailer

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

As it say, a queue is a fixed resource object. It is by default motionless. You can move a queue onto a vehicle or a container item, which becomes a trailer.

OR you set a queue invisible and you put only your items onto a vehicle or container item.

Or you replace your queue right away by a vehicle or container.

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