
Leena A avatar image
Leena A asked Leena A commented

Two AGVs picking up from multiple queue


I have five queues (might be more), five conveyors (might be more), two task executors, and one rank. When items arrive in the queues, it has max wait time. When no one takes the items at a specific time, the task executor will take it and put it on the rank. It works when there's one task executor, and it only takes from one queue.

I want the task executors to move to any queue that reaches the max wait time, pick up the items, and put it on the rank.

Thank you!


FlexSim 20.2.0
move-to-rank.fsm (58.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Leena A commented

Hello @Leena A,

If you examine the first queue's properties you will see that it has the following.

If you change to settings of the other queue's to match this, then they will all act the same.

As for the task executers, currently they are being called in your process flow resource. If you select that resource and examine the Reference field it will say "mover". This means that only the task executer named mover will be used. If you would like to use multiple task executers it would be best to create a group of task executers that the resource references.

To create a group go to the tool box and select the green plus sign. Then select group. You can now rename this group and add the task executers to it. Once the group is create you can go into the process flow and select the resource. Next to the Reference field is an down arrow. Select that arrow. You can select groups and then the group you created.

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Leena A avatar image Leena A commented ·

Thank you Jeanette!

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