
Julio R avatar image
Julio R asked Julio R commented

Importing c++ from Excel

I am doing a simple Excel import to a Global table and I get this message:


I do not have anything diferent than number and strings in the Excel, and I do not want to complile the model. Why is this showing and can it generate any errors in my model?

FlexSim 22.0.4
excel import
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Julio R commented

My guess is that the Data Distinction option you're using is determining that C++ is present.

If you really do only have numbers and text in Excel, then you can use the Values Only option for Data Distinction.

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Julio R avatar image Julio R commented ·
Thank you, I am using just numbers and text so I will use the Value only option (also it is a big file so it will help with speed)
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