
Pert P avatar image
Pert P asked Pert P commented

Can I import excel to control or add data into global table?

From the question, On experiment i need to import excel add data on global table or read on excel to run result but each run differnce excel example

1st replication using 1st Excel file

2nd replication use 2nd excel file

Can i import all file at same time and program will know by itself which file fit to replication using? If not how and fix

FlexSim 22.1.2
experimentimport dataexcel importing
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered Pert P commented

Hey @Pert P. When you make a Global Table, in the Properties tab, there in an Excel button you can click to Import a table.


This link will tell you more about formatting and other things about how to hookup your tables.

The way the Experimenter works is that it will run every permutation/Scenario of the parameters you give it and then give you the results. You can make parameters reference cells in a Global Table using "Pass-through" and then the dropper to reference the cell.


But the Experimenter cannot use a different Global Table for each replication of the model. If your tables don't have much information or are in ranges, you could use a Range Based experiment and use the range you want or Specific Values.


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