
Rohan V3 avatar image
Rohan V3 asked Rohan V3 commented

On Export Code

I have a dashboard UI with excel import and excel export buttons. Once each process is complete, I change a global variable on the dashboard to let the user know that the import/export is complete. I am deploying the simulation through the webserver and hence there is no way for the user to know if the import/export has completed. There is a on import code in the excelimport UI which allows be to do it for the import button. But no such option exists for excel export UI. Please suggest a way of doing it.

FlexSim 21.0.10
excel exportdashboard button
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Rohan V3 commented

Hello @Rohan V3,

If you used the custom export interface, do you think you could add it in there?


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