
Claire Krupp avatar image
Claire Krupp asked Felix Möhlmann commented

How to resume conveyor flow on change of label value?

I have a large High-Speed Sortation system. We want to manually force a section of conveyor to stop and observe how the system reacts. Then later we want to manually "un-stop" the section and see how the system recovers.

I achieved the first part by setting a label on a decision point, which stops the item when the label is set to 1:


Now I want to make the item resume travel when I set the label back to 0, but when I change the value, nothing happens - I need a trigger that would allow me to tell the item to resume. Perhaps I can use the OnMessage trigger and send a message from somewhere? But where?

I looked at the MTBF/MTTR properties or a User Event, but I don't see a way to cause an event manually.

I also want this to be easy to use so that I could teach my customer how to switch it on and off via a Global Table or maybe a GUI.

Any ideas?

FlexSim 22.1.2
triggerresume iteminteractive stopmanual stop
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Claire Krupp commented

You can use a dashboard button and just stop() and resume() the conveyor.


Or you can place an interactive button in the 3D view and connect it to the object you want to stop/resume.


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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

If you use a tracked variable label, you can listen to its 'On Change' event and resume the item when the value is reset.

However, do not use the 'Automatically Reset' function. It seems to break/overwrite the link to the listening object.


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