
Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann asked Matthew Gillespie commented

"On AGV ..." returns network as event object

While answering this post I noticed that the 'Event Object' for the "On AGV ..." events is set as the AGVNetwork object when using the 'Assign Event Object To' field.


Is this by design?

Seeing how one can listen to this event for individual task executers and that the event node current of a statistics collector that listens to such an event points to the task executer, it should also be possible to get a reference to the task executer in the event-triggered source (when listening to multiple objects)?

FlexSim 22.2.0 (beta)
agvagvnetworkevent-triggered sourceevent object
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1 Answer

anthony.johnson avatar image
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anthony.johnson answered Matthew Gillespie commented

I assume this is because the 'owning object' that process flow assigns is retrieved by calling ownerobject(eventNode). In the case of AGV events, the event node is stored in an instance of an AGV type, which technically does not have object data, so ownerobject() skips over it and goes to the navigator.

I'll add an issue to our dev list to figure out a way to make this work.

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ commented ·

@Felix Möhlmann This bug has been fixed for 22.0.11 and 23.0.1 which come out later this week.

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