
Quintin L avatar image
Quintin L asked Andrew O commented

Assign Label To an Item based on resource assignment

Hello, I have a conveyor system that can send products to 1 of 6 testers depending on the availability of the tester. In PF i have the tokens being assigned to the resource (1 of the testers) and i am trying to put a label on that token depending on which resource it is assigned. This way i can use the decide tool to split up tokens to the correct process flow based on which tester it is assigned.

FlexSim 22.1.2
label assignment
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Jeanette F edited

When you acquire the object as a resource in Process Flow, you can assign it to a label on the token. Through this reference you could then access labels on the testers themselves and use them those in the decide activity.





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