
Donald Harkins avatar image
Donald Harkins asked Donald Harkins commented

Question regarding combining

Hello all!

I have a question regarding batching in FlexSim. I'm attaching a screenshot of my model as well as the file name that I uploaded to FlexSim's share site. Essentially the model produces 4 types of items at different times, and I want the items to combine into 1, after the items leave the QA processors. I don't know if it would be better to use a combiner for this but I'm just trying to get some more insight here, and if there is any custom logic I would need to add to the model, whether it's a queue and batching or just using a combiner. Thank you!

File name:FlexSim Question #1 Donald Harkins 8-4-22.fsm

Flexsim Question photo.png

FlexSim 22.2.0
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
1 Like"
Kavika F answered Kavika F commented

Hey @Donald H, a combiner sounds like what you're looking for. Here's an example of one I made with your model.


Once items are finished at QA, they get sorted into queues based on type. The combiner will take in a flowitem to carry the items (i.e., the source at the top that spawns pallets into the combiner). Then it will take in a certain number of flowitems from each incoming port (1 from each in this case). Once the requirements have been met, it will process the pallet and send it off.

combiner-demo.gif (6.3 MiB)
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