
Savannah avatar image
Savannah asked Jason Lightfoot edited

wait idle until to a queue in the 3D Model

In my 3D Model there are 320 objects released each day but they get broken into batches that are defined by the capacity of another process (120). That leaves a batch that is only 80 objects. Is there a way in 3D Model to do a "Max Idle Timer" like there is in Process model?

I currently have it using the only 3D Model option in queue: Max Wait Time, but that means it has to wait for a full batch to be completed before sending -which it is not- and that creates an inaccurate run time.

Ideally, the queue would wait until it had a batch of 80 and then start a timer but I wasn't sure how to do that either.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

FlexSim 20.0.9
queuebatchingflexsim 20.0.9wait timer
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

You can send a delayed message to the queue when the content reaches 80 - do that on the entry trigger.

Then in the message trigger you could perform the actions you require - releasing flowitems to specific ports etc..based on the conditions when it fires.

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Jonathan avatar image
Jonathan answered Jonathan edited

Without looking at your model it would be difficult to determine a solution but you may look at the objects idle state timer in the model tree. You may be able to determine a way to monitor that then.

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