
Rocio_angela Mh avatar image
Rocio_angela Mh asked Rocio_angela Mh commented

Process multiple flowitems at once

Hello! I am trying to process 10 flowitems at once and the same flowitems out at once to a queue is that posible?

The flowitems arrive to "Placas" an then 10 enter to SMT and Out at the same time after 2 minutes

FlexSim 22.1.2
flowitemsprocessat once
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Julio R avatar image
Julio R answered Rocio_angela Mh commented

Hello @Rocio_angela Mh ,

Do you mean that you want to create 10 items at once in the source, make a batch in Placas so they only leave Placas when you have 10, or that SMT has a maximum capacity of 10?

· 3
5 |100000

Up to 12 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 23.8 MiB each and 47.7 MiB total.

Rocio_angela Mh avatar image Rocio_angela Mh commented ·

No, my problem is in "CTM" I want to process in that machine 10 items for 2 minutes and then the same items out to the "queue 3" at the same time... Is possible?

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Julio R avatar image Julio R Rocio_angela Mh commented ·

I don't see any objects called "CTM" but I will asume that is a process.

If you want a maximum capacity of 10 objects in the processor, this will mean that they can enter and exit independently but you can process 10 objects at the same time, and you only have to change the maximum Content of the processor:


What I think you want is a batch, this means that items will enter a combiner until they reach 10 objects, then they will have the cycle time, and then they can exit.

To do this you need to select the option batch in the combiner, make a doble conection from the origin and then select 9 as the number of items to batch (9 items + 1 base = 10 total objects)


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Rocio_angela Mh avatar image Rocio_angela Mh Julio R commented ·
I got it thank you so much!!
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