
Jonathan avatar image
Jonathan asked Jonathan commented

Remove an object from a plane.

I've placed an object into a plane. How do I remove it without deleting it or the plane?

If that's possible, how could I remove any number of objects from a plane simultaneously?

FlexSim 22.1.2
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Select all objects you want to move out of the queue (either hold down shift and draw a selection box around them or hold ctrl and click on the objects to toggle selection).


Open the "Edit Selected Objects" window (appears as a second tab in the properties on the right)


While no object is highlighted (yellow outline) the first button will be "Move into Model". Otherwise it will be "Mode into Highlighted". This will make the selected objects in subnodes of the model/highlighted object, moving them out of whatever object they might currently belong to.


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