
Michael C20 avatar image
Michael C20 asked Jeanette F commented

Move material from combiner to queue by label?


Model available should be Product_sim.fsm

FlexSim Cloud

I am running two processes. Source delivers quantities to a combiner which batches them onto pallets.

A FLT picks from 6 materials (3 on each process) and adds them to a separator. These are processed and moved to another combiner.

The first issue is the batch quantities on the combiner when using multiple materials, how do I differentiate between the material and batches to keep them different for each material?

The second issue is transporting the materials to different queues depending on the product label?



FlexSim 22.1.3
combinersbatch processingports
· 1
5 |100000

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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Michael C20, was Felix Möhlmann's answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always unaccept and comment back to reopen your question.

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

In regards to the different batch quantities on the combiner. In the "On Entry" trigger of the combiner there is the option "Update Combiner Component List With Labels". It works by using a global table to determine how many items should be received through each input port, depending on a label of the container item that is received through port 1.

The label determines the column from which the data is read and each row represents one input port (starting from 2), with the number in the respective cell being the quantity of items that have to be received through that port.

As noted above, normally the container item determines the batch quantities. You can however adjust the code of the option to use the first item received through a different port.


To distribute the pallets to different queues, you can use the "Port By Case" option in the "Send to Port" field. "item" is a reference to the container (pallet), so the case function should use the label of the first subnode of the pallet (first item on it).


Lastly, because I foresee that this could be an issue: If multiple item types stack in front of the combiner at the same time, you can either split them between separate queues and adjust the combiner table accordingly. (Each type has its own queue and thus port)


Or you can use the "Pull" function of the combiner and use an array to determine which type of item it is allowed to pull. This array can then be adjusted in the On Entry trigger, together with the combiner table.

This is demonstrated in the file linked below.

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· 4
5 |100000

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Michael C20 avatar image Michael C20 commented ·

Thanks for the update. I'm assuming I need to create a combiner list in order to to be able to update this?

I will need to look into how to do this and give it a go.



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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Michael C20 commented ·

The component list is a built in part of the combiner. Ports will be added to the list as you connect objects to it.


You only have to make sure that the table you use to update the list has the same number of rows as the list.

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Michael C20 avatar image Michael C20 commented ·
Hi Felix,

So i've created the table. An updated the code as suggested.

The combiner was initially offloading pallets only and stacking them into one unload area. I'm now getting no errors but nothing is being unloaded?

The model is production_sim_220822



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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Michael C20 commented ·

This sounds like the target quantity was set to 0. The table above was just an example if you use multiple input queues. If you have only one it should look like this.


I can't access the FlexSim cloud since I'm not a direct employee. For further help it would be good if you could post additional information such as the error message and settings on the combiner.

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