
Jarod P avatar image
Jarod P asked Jarod P commented

Entries will not fulfill backorders using a query.

The Pull from List in the Inner WIP box will not pull form the list it is referencing. I am pushing all values to the list and then using the query to look for two labels that match the pulling token's same label values, i need to pull the 16 tokens that have these two labels that match so i can replenish these parts in the model. I uploaded my simulation to the fileshare, U71X Liftgate_2-1 Pattern.fsm is the file name.

FlexSim 22.2.0
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1 Answer

Jacob W2 avatar image
Jacob W2 answered Jarod P commented

Hi @Jarod P,

I found two reasons why your backorders are not being pulled. First, in the Inner WIP, you are checking for puller.Style on both parts of your query. The next problem is that you never have enough values pushed to the list to reach 16 items to pull. I changed the value to 2 required items and it pulled the items correctly. You will have to look at the items being added to the list or change how many items you need to pull from the list to get your model working.

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