
Marc R5 avatar image
Marc R5 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

control number of operators using parameters on dispatcher/processor


I need to make several tests with different number of operators working on multiple processors controlled by a dispatcher. How can I modify the number of operators that the dispatcher is using and control the number using a parameter?

Is there a way to delete and create "connectionsout" in the dispatcher to operators?


FlexSim 22.2.1
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Iago MF avatar image
Iago MF answered Marc R5 commented

Hi Marc!

After building all the process and connections, you should create a group with the operators. Then, create a parameter to change the number of operators with the reference field pointing to that grop like this:


I hope it helps you!

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Marc R5 avatar image Marc R5 commented ·
Sorry, but how do I relate the dispatcher to the group?
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Iago MF avatar image Iago MF Marc R5 commented ·

Hi, you don't need to relate the dispatcher with the group directly. You just need to connect the dispatcher with the first operator (and include it in the group). Then, if you change the parameter and reset the model, copies of this operator will be created o destroyed.


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Marc R5 avatar image Marc R5 Iago MF commented ·
Works perfectly. Thank you very much Iago!
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Bchiga avatar image
Bchiga answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Hi please how can I create a group with the operators. Then create a parameter to change the number of operators with the reference field pointing to that group

Salut svp comment je peux créer un groupe avec les opérateurs. Ensuite, créez un paramètre pour modifier le nombre d'opérateurs avec le champ de référence pointant vers ce groupe

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·
This is standard use of parameters and groups. Also you've asked this question in another post which has received an extensive set of answers.
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