
mary avatar image
mary asked Jeanette F commented

Part label name

Hello, I have a model where in source I am creating 1 part example 'A'. For 'A' I am assigning quantity as 4 for this 4 part I need to create different label as 1 ,2,3,4 how can I do that in source.

FlexSim 20.0.10
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Joerg Vogel commented

In the 3d source you have to (in the general case) create one row for each item if you want to assign different labels to them.


If you create the items in a process flow, you can use the "tokenIndex" parameter to first assign the label to the token and then copy it to the created item later.


If the quantity is the same for each row of the arrival schedule you could assign the label as a function of the source's output statistic.


Or you can use custom code and labels to keep track of the number of created items and reset it every time the row in the schedule changes (the row is available as a parameter in the OnCreation trigger).


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