
Pablo Concha avatar image
Pablo Concha asked Pablo Concha answered

Exception caught in NetworkNavigator



a colleague starting working on alternatives to get better performance on a big warehouse model and he wanted to test using networkNodes instead of Astar on a demo where he's getting this exception:

time: 52265.850944 exception: Exception Caught in NetworkNavigator::queryDistanceEx(TaskExecuter* te, FlexSimObject* destobj, NetworkNode* originnetnode, NetworkNode** bestorigin DEFAULTNULL, NetworkNode** bestdestnode DEFAULTNULL, int * bestoriginrow DEFAULTNULL, int * bestdestcol DEFAULTNULL, double* bestdist DEFAULTNULL) object: /DefaultNetworkNavigator

time: 52265.850944 exception: Exception Caught in NetworkNavigator::navigateToObject(treenode traveler, treenode destination, double endspeed) object: /DefaultNetworkNavigator

time: 52265.850944 exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction250__project_library_FlexSimObject_behaviour_eventfunctions_OnTimerEvent object: /Operator2 i: /Operator2>variables/coordinatedtasks/ts221/task143 class: /Operator2

time: 52265.850944 exception: Exception caught in TreeNode::receivemessage()

time: 52265.850944 exception: Exception caught in Executive::processeventinlist().

what's weird is that using repeat random streams it varies when the exception shows

FlexSim 21.0.10
network nodes
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Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered

Hey @Pablo Concha, I was able to figure out what the problem was with the help of this post. Your travel tasks were telling the Operators to travel to a specific box, but sometimes it would throw errors. If you change it to be the container of the flowitem (such as the queue or rack), then the errors go away.


Notice how in this travel task, I changed it to be token.ficticio_asignado.up so it will get the box's/pallet's container. I only had to change it in two places. My model is attached.


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Pablo Concha avatar image
Pablo Concha answered

Thank you Kavika. That seems to solve the problem..

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