
Jungeun W avatar image
Jungeun W asked Jason Lightfoot edited

How to send item by label and by percentage?

Hi :)

I want to send item by both label and percentage

for example: i have flowitem by label.type 1 and 2; and 3 outputs.

100% of label.type ==2 and 10% of label.type ==1 go to output 1

30% of label.type ==1 go to output 2

60% of label.type ==1 go to output 3

this is the attatched file..: example.fsm

can i setting them in the output>send to port option?


FlexSim 21.1.5
labelby percentagesendtoport
example.fsm (40.4 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Jungeun W commented

You could first split the items by type into separate, intermediate queues and then set each Send To Port according to the type it will receive.

If you want to do this in a single Send To Port option you will have to manually edit the code. Starting from the default "By Percentage" option, you can simply wrap that code in an if-condition that checks the item's type.

Since all items of type 2 should go to port 1, you just return 1 in that case.


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