
Mauricio Mb avatar image
Mauricio Mb asked Clair A edited

Error while running program using an Excel spreadsheet

Hi everyone!

I am getting a constant error while running a program. It is a model simulation of a health system, however I am not able to run it appropiately.

The message says:

time: 10.000000 exception: Exception caught in start() of activity Create and Set-up Patients/Create Patient in process flow "Arrivals". Continuing throw...

time: 10.000000 exception: Exception caught in Executive::processeventinlist().

If anyone has been through this or has the solution, please help me :)

FlexSim 22.2.2
exception errorpatient arrivalscreate and setup
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1 Answer

Clair A avatar image
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Clair A answered Clair A edited

Hi, Mauricio sent us his model and we solved his exception. I share with the community a sample model 2022-10-31 Create patient exception copy labels.fsm to show what triggered his exception.

In this model, I have added a number label Cost in the person labels:


In the Arrivals Process Flow, I create a label on the token with a text value "$1500":


By default, Copy Token Labels is checked in the Create Patient activity:


When you run the model, a patient is created with a Cost number label and the Copy Token Labels feature tries to copy the token's Cost string label to the patient's Cost number label. This triggers the exception below:

  1. time: 0.000000 exception: Exception caught in start() of activity "Create Patient" in process flow "Arrivals". Continuing throw...
  2. time: 0.000000 exception: Exception caught in start() of activity "Source" in process flow "Arrivals". Continuing throw...
  3. time: 0.000000 exception: Exception caught in Executive::processeventinlist().

When you copy labels from a token to a patient, you need to be carefull that if a label already exists on the patient with the same name, it also stores the same data type.

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