
Glenson G avatar image
Glenson G asked Glenson G commented

Question on the utilization of AGV elevators

Hi @Felix Möhlmann ,

I used the state bar to observe the utilization of the elevators. I observed that when there is 16 AGVs, the utilization of the elevators at Core 3 (top right) is better than when there are more AGVs (i.e. 22, 20 or 18).

16 AGVs -
Lift A - 77.14%, Lift B - 71.41%, Lift C - 71.20%
compared to
22 AGVs -
Lift A -71.81%, Lift B - 67.85%, Lift C - 69.58%

Is it a correct phenomenon, or is there something wrong with my model/chart?

Also, in the chart, there is also a percentage for "Waiting". Is it a parameter that can be adjusted like the loading/unloading of AGVs or is it a fixed parameter?

Thank you!


FlexSim 18.2.3
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Glenson G commented

When I run your model I am getting errors because you are trying to read from rows in the Origin Table that do not exist. You should probably fix this first before running experiments.


The "waiting" state is set in the "Open/Close Door Delay" activities in the elevator flow.


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