
Ashwath M avatar image
Ashwath M asked Ashwath M commented

Access number of objects at a GIS Point at a given time


I was wondering if there is a way to access the number of objects that reach a specific map point in GIS module. I have trucks traveling from two points A & B, reaching the destination C at different times. I'm trying to understand the Truck traffic at point C (Plot number of trucks at point C with respect to time). Appreciate any inputs!

FlexSim 22.0.6
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1 Answer

Sebastián Cañas avatar image
Sebastián Cañas answered Ashwath M commented

Since the points within the GIS Navigator are linked to some object in the 3D model, you could use the events of these 3D objects to determine the number of travelers that reach those points. In this model I connected two points to two sinks (points A and B respectively) and each sink has a numeric labels that increments its value any time the event On Entry triggers, which means that a Task Executer (truck, plane, etc.) reach its destination and unload whatever is transporting. With that label in the objects it is possible to count the number of objects that reach those points.

After that I set an Statistic Collector using the event On Entry of the 3D Group called Destinations. Row Value is current, that in that case is both of the Sinks and check the option below.


I created three columns:

  • Time: to track the time a truck reachs the point
  • Point: to know which point it reachs
  • Trucks: to count the number of trucks that reach any point at a given time calling the value from the label.

Finally, I use a Time Plot graph and set it as below:



This is only one way to get this, hope it helps or gives an idea.

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