
Joe L6 avatar image
Joe L6 asked Joe L6 commented

Operator dayoff setting

Hi team,

I have a problem about operator dayoff setting. In the situation I have 3 operators. And I use GlobalTable and TimeTable function to decide the operators will go to work or not.

PS: I refer to the answer below.

Now I face a problem that in Day1, the model works well. But after Day1 the operator1 will always work, and I can't control all 3 operators to work or not.

I use the FlexSim 2018 Update 1 version and the answer above use FlexSim 2016 Update 1 version. I already change the departure part. But maybe I didn't do it right. I think the red frame part is the part I do it wrong.


Can the team please help me to find out where the problem is? Thank you!

Also I upload my model below.


FlexSim 18.1.2
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Joe L6 commented

You are using a different date format than the user in the linked post. So your are correct in that you have to adjust which part of the date string you extract to get the day.

Because you are using a new version, you can also just use the DateTime class to read the current day of the month directly.


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Joe L6 avatar image Joe L6 commented ·
Thank you @Felix Möhlmann! I use your way and it fixed my problem. If I have another problem I'll ask again. Thanks!
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