
TalHzf avatar image
TalHzf asked Jeanette F commented

How to define a batch size of an order

Hi all,

I have different orders, every order has a Batch size

for example:

Order1 has 18 Products which should be executed from the machine by two.

Order 2 has 24 Products which should be executed from the same machine but this time by three.

The content of orders can sometimes differ ans sometimes we have different Batch size for the same Product.

The orders are executed parallel and we don´t wait untill the end of the first to start th second.

I don´t know how to modell this case.

Thank you for your help.

FlexSim 22.2.0
batch sizeorder batching
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Parker S avatar image
Parker S answered Jeanette F commented


There are a couple ways to handle multiple order and batch sizes. You can send the different orders into separate queues and set the batch size using an On Entry trigger:


Similarly, if using process flow, you can use the Batch activity and set the Batch Quantity to a previously defined token label such as token.BatchSize.


If you are looking for additional assistance, you will need to upload the model you are working on and list the specific issues you are running in to.

1670603378643.png (10.9 KiB)
1670603505484.png (45.7 KiB)
· 2
5 |100000

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