
diana avatar image
diana asked Jeanette F commented

stop the run time

123SPT.fsmWhy does my order end but the run time keeps running

FlexSim 20.1.3
123spt.fsm (59.4 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

The collection of some of the statistics involve timed intervals that create pending events and thus keep the model running. Those are mostly the people statistics (apparently the model was either created in or switched to the healthcare environment at some point), but also the "Staytime by Type" and "Composite Staytime" graphs.

You can use the "On Entry" trigger of the sink to stop the model when the input number reaches the total number of items created by the sources.

I added code that reads those quantities automatically, but you could of course also just type in the expected value of items manually.

  1. int qty = 0;
  2. // Code to read values from source schedules
  3. ...
  5. if(current.stats.input.value == qty)
  6. {
  7.     stop();
  8. }


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