
Maryam H2 avatar image
Maryam H2 asked Joerg Vogel commented

Validate label by percentage functioning


I have several separate patient flows in the model, and for each I labeled 70% of patients to have value X and 30% of them to have value Y under the arrivals tab. Either running the model over replications (25 rep.) or just a single run, when I get the throughput by label (%) I see it is not as I set it (it's more like 15% vs 85% like pic below). Is there any way that I can make it accurate other than importing all labels in Global or Arrival table, or how can I make sure it is labeling based on %?


FlexSim 22.2.4
throughputby percentagemodel validation
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Joerg Vogel commented

Jörg's comment on different process times and a potentially too short model runtime were my thoughts as well.

To validate the distribution, you could use an array label on the process flow itself, that gets incremented directly after the type is assigned.



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