
MPeyman avatar image
MPeyman asked MPeyman commented

Satisfying Multi customers

Hi All, I have created a model with several queues, 3 of them considered as a warehouses and others as a customers. Also I modified 2 cranes as a drones in order to pickup some items from warehouses and satisfy multi customers and goes to other warehouses and so on.

But, in attached model the drones just satisfy one customer instead of multiple. I create it with process flow using wait for event and subflow. can anyone help me.

Thanks you. Multi_customers.fsm

FlexSim 23.0.0
wait for eventsub flowload unloadmultiple cranes
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered MPeyman commented

I'm not seeing the problem you describe. All customers receive items at some point. Each item is taken from a random warehouse to a random customer.

An issue I saw is that you create the items inside the cranes and then tell the cranes to load them, which causes them to teleport around. You should create the items in the warehouse queues.

Also, due to how the movement of the cranes works, it might be better to get rid of the initial travel activity, which would save one lift/drop process.


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