
Ajay M avatar image
Ajay M asked Ajay M commented

AGV Utilization dashboard using statistics collector error!

Hello everyone.

I'm attempting to develop a dashboard in flexsim using statistics collector to determine the consumption of AGVs per shift each day. I used the flexsim question below as a model for this.

Dashboard using Statistics collector (Link Inside)

I'm almost finished with my dashboard, however when I simulate it, only Shift 2 and Shift 3 metrics display in my dash board, but Shift 1 is missing.

Here is the file Dashboard Problem.fsmDashboard Problem.fsm


When I am using a single AGV, Dashboard metrics starts with shift 1 but when using more it starts directly from shift 2 skipping shift 1 metrics

I am using a time period of 86400 secs starting from 00:00:00 (07.02.2023) till 00:00:00 (08.02.2023)

Can somebody assist me? Where did I go worng?

FlexSim 22.2.1
agvstatistic collector
· 2
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered Ajay M commented

The issue is in your Shift Manager flow. There is a resource in that flow that is meant to make sure only one shift happens at a time. However, the resource is set to acquire operators, so two tokens are allowed at a time.

To fix the issue, you can remove the resource completely and check the "Run tokens one at a time" box on the Run Sub Flow activity in the shift manager.

· 1
5 |100000

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Ajay M avatar image Ajay M commented ·

@Jordan Johnson Thankyou very much. Your advice was successful. Your dashboard work displaying stats depending on shifts was pretty impressive.

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