
Jacob E2 avatar image
Jacob E2 asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Load & Unload From Same Fixed Resource and then Transport


I am wondering if there is a more efficient way to replicate what I am doing in the attached model. Currently, I am using a Separator to unload flowitems from a container flowitem for processing. Once processed, the items are loaded into a Combiner which sits directly on top of the Separator. This is to give the illusion of using one rack to load / unload parts. Once all the items have been processed the cart is wheeled away to a staging area and a new cart of raw material is delivered by the material handler.

Is there a way to accomplish this with ONE Fixed Resource and ONE Rack? I was thinking it might be possible with an Object Process Flow, but I am not sure how?

Model: RotorCNC_Combine&Separate.fsm


FlexSim 23.0.1
separatorcombinersunload itemsloadingstaging
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
1 Like"
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

I've added a BasicFR process flow that will take a single rack - empty the contents through port 2 and receive them back in through port 2. When that's complete it releases the rack through port1.


I used an object process flow that processes the rotors individually.


You could release more and control the amount with a zone in the subflow if needed.

Model attached:


· 1
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