
suhasee avatar image
suhasee asked suhasee commented

Getting error slot label not defined

Hi, I am trying to use the find slot to determine which slots are empty and can place the product there. Whenever I try to run this I get the error below: 1675920552423.png

I am using the process flow to put the boxes based on matching labels and slot avalibility. I have also attached my file for further clarification: testing.fsm.

FlexSim 23.0.0
labelslot labels
1675920552423.png (40.7 KiB)
testing.fsm (150.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Long G avatar image
Long G answered suhasee commented

In your Find Slot tag,Query should be " WHERE product==$".Your item's label name is -->'Product' ,not 'Type'.

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suhasee avatar image suhasee commented ·

@Long G Hi, Thanks for your help! When I changed my Find Slot tag Query it still gave me this error: 1675952208460.png

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1675952208460.png (41.0 KiB)
suhasee avatar image suhasee suhasee commented ·

Unsure if it would have something to do with the slot assignment strategy given to the rack. As of now I have assigned it to matching labels and changed it to slot.product? == item.Type?

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann suhasee commented ·
The label you changed it to is still not correct. It should be Product not product.
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