
Rahul R avatar image
Rahul R asked Jason Lightfoot commented

How to load items into a cart without overlap?


I am looking to load items in the cart, neatly placed without any overlap (as shown in the figure below). I can do this by controlling X,Y,Z location of the item. But wondering if there is an elegant way to reference it with respect to the cart so I can fill top level, followed by middle and bottom level.



FlexSim 21.2.4
1675965317708.png (236.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Hey @Rahul R, you could use a "Change Visual" activity with an equation for the different coordinates to position the boxes in the cart.


Looks something like this. It's not perfect, but you get the idea.



1675967496524.png (32.2 KiB)
load-cart.gif (1.5 MiB)
· 7
5 |100000

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Rahul R avatar image Rahul R commented ·

Thank you

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Rahul R commented ·

A cart like that is usually modelled using a container flow item and a packing method.

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Rahul R avatar image Rahul R Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·
Is there an example you can point me to?

I changed them the cart to a flow item. Is that what you meant?

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