
Sebastien avatar image
Sebastien asked Sebastien commented

Exception handling

Hi !
I am looking for a way to handle exception with code so as to stop the simulation and report the error, wether it is for the experimenter or a separate program launching FlexSim via cmd. This is capital in order to trust the results.

I saw this post from 2019, refering to an older post.

Has there been any development on that ? Is there another way to catch those events within the simulation environment or at least to count the printed lines of a specific console ?

FlexSim 20.2.3
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Sebastien commented

You can interrogate the experiment database using the code structure from this answer and and replace the sql statement with:

  1. "SELECT AS Scenario, c.replication AS Replication, LENGTH(a.system)>0 AS hasSystemOutput FROM console_output a INNER JOIN  tasks c, scenarios d ON AND ORDER BY Scenario ASC, Replication ASC"

Alternatively you can use regular expressions to find the number of lines in the console text of each record.

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