
bnh-flexsim-for-masterthesis avatar image
bnh-flexsim-for-masterthesis asked bnh-flexsim-for-masterthesis commented

Intersection control in A-Star

Hey All,

i want to know, if there is any possibility in an A-Star system with TEs and an intersection to implement some kind of traffic control for the intersection, like there is in an AGV-network with control zones, which allows only one TE in the zone and acts like a FiFo control of the intersection.

FlexSim 23.0.3
a star navigationtraffic controlintersections
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1 Answer

Ralf Gruber avatar image
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Ralf Gruber answered bnh-flexsim-for-masterthesis commented


The concept of A* is designed to specifically NOT use dedicated paths and therefore intersections. On initiation of a travel task, the TE searches for a way through the grid to get to his destination. There are barriers and dynamic barriers you can use to dynamically guide a TE, but still, the traveler will not wait when you are creating a dynamic barrier: If it exists, before the TE searches for a way, it´ll find a way around. If it is created, when the traveler is on its way after calculating the route, the new dynamic barrier will be ignored. Attached is a small demo to display thee concept:
Hit run and execute the script right one after another to have a dynamic barrier created and after 30s removed again and see, what the TE does.

You might want to let us know, why you do not use the AGV network or a travel network built out of network nodes, if you need to control intersections?

Good luck


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bnh-flexsim-for-masterthesis avatar image bnh-flexsim-for-masterthesis commented ·
Hey Ralf,

Thank you for your help.
I am trying to compare behavior at intersections with an autonomous approach (like A*) and and regulated or controlled approach (like a traffic control, based on the information the entering entities carry with them).

Therefore i am looking for a way to implement the different control approaches in one modell.
But as your answer shows, this is not possible, so i am looking for a different way to realize my ideas.


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