
Raja Sekaran avatar image
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Raja Sekaran asked Raja Sekaran commented

How to control two types of task executers using traffic control?

In my model, I have used two different task executers (one is operator and another one is agv) will move the flowitems from Queue 1 to Queue 2 via Network nodes(1,2,3,4). I have attached the model for your reference.sample.fsm

The constraints are

Between NN2 to NN3,

1. Only two operators can travel at the same time


2.One operator and one agv can travel at the same time


3. If two agv's are waiting, Only one agv can travel between NN2 to NN3

How to achieve the above constraints using traffic controller?

Thanks in advance.

FlexSim 16.2.0
traffic control
sample.fsm (22.6 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Raja Sekaran commented

You can control the access and behavior to the controlled network in the OnRequestEntry Triggers return values. They are coded into the defined Parameter


Here you can find a code example.

More information can find here in the answers forum if you type the keyword trafficcontrollinfo in the search field.

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