
Tom S4 avatar image
Tom S4 asked Jason Lightfoot answered

Wait For Event - Exception on Reset

I have a subflow that acquires multiple resources. It will only acquire resources if all are available, otherwise it will wait for resource availability to change.

When I reset my model, if there are tokens still in the Wait For Event blocks, an exception will be thrown. There doesn't seem to be any negative consequences of it, but I would like this to not happen.

A few years ago I had modified a version of the simultaneous list pulls ( using resources, and had the same problem. However, it seemed to disappear one day. Now that I am creating a different version of this, this bug is happening again.

To recreate, reset the model when there are tokens still in a Wait For Event. It should be as simple as a couple Skips and a Reset.

Any thoughts?

Acquire Multiple - FS Answers Version.fsm

FlexSim 23.0.1
wait for eventprocessflow error
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

I do not observe the exceptions you describe - can you try this in 23.0.4 ?

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Tom S4 avatar image Tom S4 commented ·

Weirdly enough the mystery error is gone after installing 23.0.4.

This was the same problem (and possibly, solution) as I had experienced two years ago. Not sure why that would be the case twice separate times, but for my purposes the problem is solved. Thank you

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