
Scarlett X avatar image
Scarlett X asked Scarlett X commented

trigger animation

1. Can operator do animation until he is arrival to that processor ? 2.Why op didn't do animation "write" after processor2 starting working? 3. Can op "write" when he starts to set up processor1 until setup finish , and goes to processor2, "UseTablet" when he starts to process processor2 until process finish? thank you!


FlexSim 21.2.4
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Scarlett X commented

You can add a task to the received task sequence that starts the animation before the "utilize" task is started.

See also the second answer and comments in this post to see how you can explore the structure of task sequences.

If the operator is doing multiple different things, you would first check the received task sequence for certain defining characteristics. For example if the last task is of type "utilize" like in the attached example. Other such characteristics could be involved objects.


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Scarlett X avatar image Scarlett X commented ·
Thank you!!
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