
Maíra A avatar image
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Maíra A asked Lucas Klein answered

Railworks Virtual Distance

I'm comparing how the virtual distance tool works at the network node with the same situation at the railworks module. The travel time should be the same, ok? How can i fix that?



FlexSim 23.1.0 beta
railworksvirtual distancerail
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Lucas Klein avatar image
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Lucas Klein answered

Hi Maíra,

Indeed it seems to be a problem with the Virtual distance feature of RailWorks module. We are working on a release update to fix that.

Thanks for your feedback.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Maíra A commented
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Maíra A avatar image Maíra A commented ·
Hi @Joerg Vogel , i'm sorry, but i didn't understand how can i apply this at the railworks library. Can you help me?
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Maíra A commented ·

@Maíra A, it is the opposite. The railwork module is fine. You need to adjust a network node travel task to make them comparable. A problem of network node travel is its ability to stop instantly without deceleration. This causes time differences to module evaluated travel times.

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Maíra A avatar image Maíra A Joerg Vogel commented ·


@Joerg Vogel I don't know...have you sure that the Railworks module is fine? The real distance (1) and the virtual distance (2) are taking so different times to travel. And i can't configurate the locomotive because is created at the source.

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