
Vyk_k avatar image
Vyk_k asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Reducing Capacity of a Fixed Resource As Case Scenarios

Hello Everyone, I am wondering if I could be given a clue as to how to reduce the capacity of any of my fixed resource in the experimenter. For example, if I wanted to introduce a disturbance to my model, and I wish to represent the disturbance in terms of capacity reduction in experimenter. How do I go about it.

If I am to reduce the capacity of say a PLANT (represented by a Processor or Queue) in terms of output to say 35, 50, 0r 70% in other to observe the effects of these on the performance at the final node ( say average available content at the retailer), how can one use the experimenter or Optimization tool to alter these and make them as case scenarios? Thanks for your time

FlexSim 23.1.0 beta
optimizationexperimenter statisticsreducing the operational capacity
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Vyk_k commented

This is a question of a viewpoint. You build a model without any statistical distributions, because everything works in perfect manner. Then you introduce disturbances by statistical distributions. Results are varying. You want to get an overall relative result, then you need a base value what is 100 percent.
Methods to achieve disturbances are breakdowns (Tool MTBF/MTTR). Varying of times by statistical distributions and their functional parameters.
Availability of products, like you wanted to setup a model parameter, can you interpret as an interval of time. A time interval is short enough to satisfy any demand or not.

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