
Allister Wilson avatar image
Allister Wilson asked Kavika F answered

Odd conveyor side-transfer behaviour with defined time of zero

Conveyor side transfers seem to behave incorrectly when setup to transfer in zero-time.

The attached model contains 3 setups.

On the left, the Defined Time for the transfer is zero.

Observed behaviour:
The transfer seems to use the speed of the receiving conveyor instead of the defined time.
The upstream conveyor enters a blocked state during the transfer, but seemingly only if the downstream conveyor contains an item anywhere along its length.

Expected behaviour:
Instantaneous transfer with no blocking of the upstream conveyor.

In the middle, same setup as on the left except a short conveyor has been added just after the transfer.

The behaviour is the same as the previous setup, except that the upstream conveyor is never blocked during the transfer.

On the right, the Defined Time for the transfer is 1 millisecond.

The transfer takes exactly 1 millisecond.
The upstream conveyor is in a blocked state for exactly 1 millisecond.
This is the expected behaviour.

FlexSim 23.0.5
conveyorside transfer
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered

Hey @Allister Wilson, I can confirm that this happens and it does seem to be a bug. For now, the workaround is to use a small amount of time for your transfer (like you did in your example model; 1 millisecond for example) to simulate instantaneous transfers. I reported this issue to the dev team. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

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