
Martin K5 avatar image
Martin K5 asked Martin K5 commented

Is it possible to speed up video recording in RTX mode?


I would like to ask if it possible to speed up somehow recording video in RTX mode which takes a lot of time.

Thank you.


FlexSim 22.2.4
video recorderspeedflypathrecording
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Martin K5 commented

The recording speed in RTX Mode will largely depend on the power of your graphics card and the resolution of the 3D view.

If you want to render RTX Mode faster, try using a newer Nvidia card, such as the new 40 Series. This will cause each frame to render faster, which will reduce the overall time required to record.

You could also consider recording at a low resolution and then using AI video upscaling software to increase the resolution of the final video. Using AI to upscale the final image of each frame may be faster than calculating each of those pixels in RTX Mode. Upscaling software may also be able to interpolate frames into the video so that you can capture at a lower framerate. Whether that would be faster than calculating each frame during recording is hard to say.

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Martin K5 avatar image Martin K5 commented ·
Thank you a lot!
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