
Laquerius77 avatar image
Laquerius77 asked Laquerius77 commented

Distributions not inside flexsim list of options

Hi everyone, so basically in my model, i needed to use some distributions such as weibull_min or weibull_exponential but I realise there's only weibull distribution in the option. Is there a way to resolve this? Thanks in advanced!

FlexSim 22.0.7
statistical distribution
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Laquerius77 commented

@Laquerius77 , I added a picture of command index.
As you see there is only a weibull function. If you need more features, then you can write a source code for example as an user command or you post an idea here at this site to get this feature in about a year, if you can find enough supporter for this.
if you need those functions not very often you can write your source code also to the source code edit field of the function where you can select a statistical distribution.

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