
Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image
Patrick Zweekhorst asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Exception in add and delete group members


In the attached example model you can see a small bug a customer reported to us. He first worked on a model where the transporter was not connected to a network. This transporter had a reset position. After some modeling the transporter was connected to the AGV network. To change the number of AGVs in the model the Model parameter option delete and add group members was used. However this gives an error in the onSet of that parameter. It goes wrong on the line:


If we clear the reset position of the AGV (we don’t need it with AGVs) it works again. So this looks like a small bug which would be nice if it could be fixed.




FlexSim 23.0.5
agvmodel parameters table
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie commented

This will be fixed in the next bug fix releases. For now you can right click on the transporter and choose Edit > Clear Object Reset Position.

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