
dphilip22 avatar image
dphilip22 asked Jeanette F commented

Routing Transporters to specific queues

In this model I want the orange rolls to only go to Queue 9 and use transporters 5 & 10 to do so. For the brown rolls, I would like them to go to inventory queues 10, 11, & 21. If anyone could tell me where the issue is I would appreciate it. I am using port by the case for the routing.


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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jeanette F commented

Hello @dphilip22,

I added a dispatcher for each group of transporters. The queues are connected to the dispatcher and then the dispatcher to the transporters. This will allow you to send the request to the correct group and the dispatcher handles who is available in that group to transport the item. I edited your custom code to match this. I also reset the port by case because it kept throwing errors.


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dphilip22 avatar image dphilip22 commented ·
Hi @Jeanette F , Thank you so much for finding the issue.

If I wanted to make each orange roll transporter pick up 4 rolls per trip, would I need to perform batching in the queue it's being picked up from or set the transporter's capacity to 4?

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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ dphilip22 commented ·

The reason what you mentioned wont work is due to the dispatcher and the timing of how it sends out the task sequences. It would end up sending one item to one transporter and then 3 to the other. Which is not what you want.

I set up a process flow that pulls four items from a list and then transports those items.


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