
Kadircan T avatar image
Kadircan T asked Kadircan T commented

Problem with Sorting Process


In my process, the personnel first bring the packages to the sort area and then sort them to certain areas. I have assigned a capacity to each chute and when each chute reaches a certain number, no more packages should be placed in that chute. Then a personnel takes the packages from the chute and moves them to the other Queue.

Here is the problem I have here:

* For example, there are 3 packages in the chute but the staff is only taking 2 of them.

* The model stops at some point and does not continue, I don't understand why.

I am sharing my model below, can you help me with the issue?

Thank you very much.

FlexSim 22.2.0
wsort5223.fsm (126.7 KiB)
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Kadircan T commented

There are multiple queues with the same Target label value. When pulling from the list based on that label, you are not guaranteed that all items are in the same queue. I don't see a need to even use a list here? You already know from which queue you want to the items at that point.

The Sorting section of the Process Flow is an infinite if an operator is available but the chute is not. You need to let the token wait until the chute is free again before it loops back around.

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Kadircan T avatar image Kadircan T commented ·


There are 16 regions in total and I have 2 designs. The first one is like the bottom of the image, two seperate modules are placed. In the 2nd design, we connect the midpoints of these two modules. In other words, since there are the same 16 regions on both sides of the module, I had to make Target definitions in this way. Target represents each region.701d27cf-02f0-47fd-b8c3-6256f60cb53f.pngd58ff37e-9773-4fcb-908c-17af06faa5d5.jpeg

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Kadircan T commented ·

I realized why the labels were set that way. I wanted to point out that the duplicate labels are the reason your current logic is not working as expected.

As Mischa also pointed out: You list is not actually needed and just makes the logic unnecessarily complex.

Edit: Here's an updated version without the list. I rebuild parts of your Process Flow to make it hopefully work as it should. Notably, the chute status is now updated when an item is pending for transport to a chute, not when in enters (as that could allow too many items per chute at a time)


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wsort5223-fm.fsm (124.7 KiB)
Kadircan T avatar image Kadircan T Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Thank you very much. This model solves my problem. I understand better how I should think when building such a model.

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Mischa Spelt avatar image
Mischa Spelt answered Kadircan T commented

Sometimes you have two chutes with the same product. Then when your operator tries to collect a batch of three, it gets two items from one chute and a third item from another chute.

It's better to avoid the list and in the Load subflow, directly reference the items you want to load when the chute is full:


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Kadircan T avatar image Kadircan T commented ·

Thank you very much for your support, I understand what the problem is.

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