
Q9284226 avatar image
Q9284226 asked Q9284226 commented

How to set up label calculation time in Control Point (CP)?

How to set up label calculation time in Control Point (CP)?

#Labeling issue

As the title suggests, it is currently known that when an object is in the "Queue," you can label the BOX and calculate the departure time. However, when it comes to CP, I tried manually entering the same CODE as for the "Queue" object to calculate the time, but the data did not appear to be successfully labeled on the BOX.

Additional information: The label I used for the Queue is "leave_Queue_port," and for the CP, I used the label "leave_ControlPoint_port." CP測試版_1.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.4
agvlabelcontrol points
cp測試版-1.fsm (149.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Q9284226 commented

The exit trigger fires when items that have been moved into the control point are removed - such as load and unload points. You're not doing that so the trigger does not fire. You could use the load trigger of the AGV.

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Q9284226 avatar image Q9284226 commented ·

Thank you for your response. I would like to inquire if there are any concrete examples to illustrate the phrase "use the load trigger of the AGV."


In Control Point 2 (CP2), I have already set up triggers where items are supposed to be labeled with a tag called "leave_ControlPoint_port" and the corresponding time recorded when they are removed. However, it is evident that this method has not been successful in labeling the items.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Q9284226 commented ·

Yes, you said that in your question and we've told you that you're not triggering those because they fire when items enter and exit the points - they don't fire when travelers pass through the points or arrive at that point.

All task executers have the load and unload triggers - they work the same way as any other trigger but are fired when an item is loaded or unloaded.


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Q9284226 avatar image Q9284226 Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

Oh~ I understand what you mean. It needs to be set up from the Triggers in the vehicle "AGV". Thank you very much for your patient guidance.

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