
jacopo-r avatar image
jacopo-r asked jacopo-r commented

Running a python code with Cplex through FlexSim

Hi all,

I am trying to run Python through FlexSim. I managed to get the connection between python and flexsim (following this and now I want to run a python code that has a cplex optimization algorithm in it. For the moment I am not feeding any tables or parameters, I want to execute the code and return "1" to get a proof that the code went through. It is not working.

I know the code works because I ran it with Jupyter Notebook.
Can anyone help me figuring out what am I missing?

Also, what would be the next step in order to be able to feed a table to the python code and return to flexsim the x[i,j] variable that the cplex calculated?

(Flexsim model and python code attached)


FlexSim 23.0.1
interaction between flexsim and pythoncplex
cplex-test.fsm (28.4 KiB) (906 B)
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered jacopo-r commented

Hey @jacopo_r, I found that the issue was that your file name was using underscores in the code but it was named with dashes in the file explorer.



If you edit it to match, then it will work.

Alternate ways to connect:

If you scroll up a little on that same doc page, it will point you to the "External" button which will format the code for Python for you.



If you'd like a more detailed guide, you could check out this post. Ensure that in your Global Preferences you have the correct Python version selected as well.


Hope this helps!

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