
Lars Jacobsen avatar image
Lars Jacobsen asked Jason Lightfoot commented

How to connect GIS to a SeaRoute server?

I would like to use for making sailing routes in the GIS. I am not sure how to set it up. Can anyone help?




FlexSim 23.1.2
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
1 Like"
Jordan Johnson answered Jason Lightfoot commented

The GIS navigator was designed to be extendable. It does this through how function_s() works. If you call function_s(someObject, "someFunction"), then FlexSim searches for someFunction in the object first, then in the object's library definition.

Step 1: I added the following subnodes to the GIS navigator:

Step 2: I copied the code for downloadRoute and downloadRouteSuccess from MAIN:/project/library/GIS/GISNavigator>behaviour/eventfunctions

Step 3: I updated the code for downloadRoute. Basically, I check to see if the url has the term "" in it. If so, I add the x-api-key to the header, and specify the new callbacks for success and failure.

Step 4: In the new success callback, I extract the necessary data from the response by parsing it as a Map. Then I make a new Map the way the GIS Navigator expects in the default applyResponseToRoute function.

The general approach was "copy/paste/modify" so it's not too difficult. Consider using a diff tool to see the changes I made to the code, compared to what's in the library.

The model is attached. You'll need to update the api key in the downloadRoute function to the API key for your account with


Using this approach, I was able to get the desired route working:

1685731520406.png (29.5 KiB)
1685732027162.png (84.4 KiB)
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