
Alyson P avatar image
Alyson P asked Ryan Clark commented

Get distance between two points in GIS

Hello guys,

I created a map in Flexsim that has some cities, each city is represented by a Point.

Now I need, through Flexscript, to get the Driving Roads distance between two of these cities or to get a Route object so that I can access its properties. Is there any way I can do it in the source code or this distance is only showed in Route Properties?

Thanks for your attention.

FlexSim 21.2.4
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Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Alyson P commented
  1. treenode point1 = Model.find("GISNavigator/Point1");
  2. treenode point2 = Model.find("GISNavigator/Point2");
  3. double distance = function_s(point1, "getDistance", point2);

Task executer's path record within a map (GIS) - FlexSim Community

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Miguel_ngel Ra avatar image
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Miguel_ngel Ra answered Ryan Clark commented

Hello Alyson i have the same problem, could you paste here all your code to get the full distance matrix please

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